Peer To Peer

Togethrall is an online peer support and self-management tool for anyone who is at least 16 years of age and experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Clients can connect with others who are experiencing similar issues and share what’s on their mind while gaining support and advice. The service is free for Ontario residents with a valid health card either through self or health care provider referral. The site is monitored 24/7 by trained counsellors who make sure the community is supportive and safe.

With self-isolating and social distancing, MDO will be offering Virtual Peer Support Groups so we can support one another. These groups are hosted through the Zoom platform phone and/or video group chat and will include an MDO facilitator and other participating peers. Everyone is welcome, though we do encourage you to check out becoming a member of MDO. You can learn more about membership here.They have a maximum number of participants per virtual group AND will have more than one facilitator and virtual group per evening if needed. "

Psychiatric Survivors of Canada offers a number of Peer Support Groups you can join online. All peers of age 16+ with mental health and/or addiction challenges are welcome. You can join in from your phone, tablet, or computer.

All People All Pathways is the foundational concept of our group. Honouring your journey and your destination and recognizing that there are many ways to increased wellness and many people will walk on different paths. CAPSA - ACEPA only meets to encourage each other and to share both tools and experiences that may be helpful to each other. They believe that hope and respect are gifts that help us all and they encourage all attendees to share them together in the groups.